The Royal Family’s support of cancer charities

Indeed, numerous members of The Royal Family have forged enduring connections with organizations dedicated to cancer research and supporting individuals affected by the disease.

During his tenure as The Prince of Wales, His Majesty the King assumed the role of Patron for Macmillan Cancer Support. This esteemed organization offers both medical and financial assistance to individuals grappling with cancer, while also advocating for improved standards of cancer care.

In 1999, upon the launch of Macmillan’s ‘A Voice for Life’ campaign, His Majesty, then The Prince of Wales, remarked:

Cancer is not one disease but 200 different diseases, some serious, some not so serious. We all know that when we break a huge problem down into manageable pieces it begins to appear less daunting.

In 2021, amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, The King (as The Prince of Wales) wrote an article for The Telegraph on the challenges faced by those with cancer, which read:

I have been proud to be patron of Macmillan Cancer Support and, during that time, I have met countless people whose lives have been touched by cancer. I never cease to be inspired by those who have tirelessly dedicated themselves to helping them. They seem to me to exemplify so many of the qualities that, in a time of great trial, are a cause for immense admiration and gratitude.

His Majesty also extends his support to Marie Curie, an organization renowned for delivering exceptional nursing care to individuals facing terminal illness within the comfort of their own homes.

In 2021, His Majesty, then The Prince of Wales, paid a visit to the Breast Cancer Now Toby Robins Research Centre at the Institute of Cancer Research London. Notably, His Majesty had the honor of inaugurating this center 21 years earlier as the UK’s inaugural dedicated breast cancer research facility.

Since 2008, Her Majesty the Queen has held the esteemed position of President at Maggie’s, an innovative charity that has established several centers both in the UK and internationally. These centers offer a nurturing and supportive environment for individuals facing the challenges of cancer.

In 2021, to mark 25 years of the charity, Her Majesty said:

Maggie’s is welcoming, friendly and non-institutional, supporting people from the moment they ask for help, free of charge, and unconditionally for as long as help is needed… To me, that sounds like a description of a perfect friend. And, of course, Maggie’s centres are perfect friends to everyone who enters their doors.

Since 2007, His Majesty the King, then The Prince of Wales, has served as President of The Royal Marsden, a position previously held by his mother. In 2017, to commemorate his 10-year tenure as President of The Royal Marsden, His Majesty, then The Duke of Cambridge, paid a visit to the Radiotherapy Department and Oak Centre for Children and Young People.

His Royal Highness visited the UK’s pioneering Magnetic Resonance Linear Accelerator (MR Linac) and dedicated time to the Oak Centre for Children and Young People. This center was officially inaugurated by His Royal Highness, then The Duke of Cambridge, and The Princess of Wales, known as The Duchess of Cambridge at the time, back in 2011.

Most recently, in 2023, The Prince officiated the formal opening of the cutting-edge Oak Cancer Centre. This facility, generously funded by The Royal Marsden Cancer Charity, serves as a premier research and treatment establishment, aiming to expedite the advancement of novel treatments for cancer patients on a global scale.

Other members of the Royal Family are deeply involved in supporting various aspects of cancer research and care:

  • The Princess Royal serves as Patron of Tenovus Cancer Care, an organization dedicated to supporting cancer research and providing care and counseling services to individuals affected by cancer.
  • The Duke of Gloucester and Princess Alexandra jointly hold the position of Presidents of Cancer Research UK, a prominent charity committed to funding cancer research and offering support to cancer patients.
  • The Duchess of Gloucester acts as Patron of Prostate Cancer UK, an organization focused on raising awareness about prostate disease and supporting research into its treatment.
  • The Duke of Kent serves as Patron of Blood Cancer UK, a research charity specifically dedicated to leukemia and related medical conditions.